Disclosure statement in accordance with Sec 25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG) and information statement in accordance with Sec 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG)
DEBRA Austria, Hilfe bei Epidermolysis bullosa (ZVR 412404499)
Salzburg, Austria
Registered Office /Address
Am Heumarkt 27/1
1030 Wien, Österreich
T +43 1 876 40 30
F +43 1 876 40 30 - 30
Competent supervisory authority
Landespolizeidirektion Salzburg, sicherheits- und verwaltungspolitische Angelegenheiten (SVA).
Please find here the Austrian Association Act 2002 and the website of the Landespolizeidirektion Salzburg.
Purpose of the association
The association is not for profit and pursues exclusively and directly (i) the purpose of promoting the well-being of people living with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) and (ii) the purpose of promoting the scientific research and doctrine of Epidermolysis Bullosa in order to ease and heal this disease.
Basic intention of this medium
Presentation and promotion of the EB House Austria, as well as information regarding Epidermolysis Bullosa, DEBRA Austria, EB-CLINET, EB-related research and donations.
Representation in accordance with the bylaws of the association
The President shall represent the association. Written documents of the association have to be signed by the President and by the Secretary in order to be effective. However, if financial matters are concerned (dispositions regarding assets), the signature of the President and of the Treasurer is required. In the event that the President, the Secretary, or the Treasurer are prevented, they shall be represented by their deputies.
President | Dr. Rainer Riedl |
President deputy | Franz Feichtlbauer |
Secretary | Dr. Gabriela Pohla-Gubo |
Secretary deputy | Margit Putre-Bachlechner |
Treasurer | Franz Feichtlbauer |
Treasurer deputy | DI Michael Nothdurfter |
Representative of the affected | Lena Riedl |
Deputy of DEBRA Germany | Claudia Geißdörfer |