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Verena Moos, MSc

Scientific Associate

EB-Haus Forschungsmitarbeiterin


Research statement

The clinical picture of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is frequently accompanied by the development of aggressive squamous cell carcinomas, a form of skin cancer. The existing therapeutic approaches are limited; therefore, there is a pressing need to identify drugs that offer new treatment options for tumors, particularly for patients with epidermolysis bullosa.
Consequently, the focus of my scientific interest is on the development of innovative approaches and methodologies for the design of potential therapeutic interventions suitable for clinical implementation.



Personal interests

I love to be with my kids and my family in my free time.

Curriculum Vitae Verena Moos

Professional career

Since 2025
Scientific associate at the EB-Haus Austria, research group of Zauner

2016 – 2019
Scientific associate at the Medical University of Vienna
Title of the project: “Mimicking isoform-specific inhibitors – Genetic engineering of histone deacetylases”
Research group of Prof. Dr. Christian Seiser



Master studies Molecular Biology, University of Vienna
Subject of master thesis: “Catalytical and non-catalytical functions of histone deacetylases”
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christian Seiser, Dr. Astrid Hagelkruys

Bachelor studies Molecular Biosciences, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg/Johannes Kepler University of Linz
Subject of the bachelor thesis: “NMR-basierte Quantifizierung reaktiver Gruppen in Polymeren“
Supervisors: Dr. Gerhard Zuckerstätter, Prof. Dr. Norbert Müller

Original articles

  1. Hess L.*, Moos V.*, Lauber AA., Reiter W., Schuster M., Hartl N., Lackner D., Boenke T., Koren A., Guzzardo PM., Gundacker B., Riegler A., Vician P., Miccolo C., Leiter S., Chandrasekharan MB., Vcelkova T., Tanzer A., Jun JQ., Bradner J., Brosch G., Hartl M., Bock C., Bürckstümmer T., Kubicek S., Chiocca S., Bhaskara S., Seiser C. (2022). A toolbox for class I HDACs reveals isoform specific roles in gene regulation and protein acetylation. PLoS Genetics 18(8):e1010376. (*equal contribution)
  2. Zierfuss B., Weinhofer I., Buda A., Popitsch N., Hess L., Moos V., Hametner S., Kemp S., Köhler W., Forss-Petter S., Seiser C., and Berger J. (2020). Targeting foam cell formation in inflammatory brain diseases by the histone modifier MS-275. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 7(11):2161-2177
  3. Hagelkruys A., Mattes K., Moos V., Rennmayr M., Ringbauer M., Sawicka A., and Seiser C. (2016). Essential non-redundant function of the catalytic activity of HDAC2 in mouse development. Molecular and Cellular Biology 36(3):462-474

Book chapters

  1. Hess L., Moos V., Seiser C. (2023). Development of a cellular model mimicking specific HDAC inhibitors. Methods in Molecular Biology 2589:51-73
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