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Daniela Stoica-Andrei, PhD


Research statement

Patients diagnosed with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) are at high risk of developing an aggressive form of squamous cell carcinoma. Given the limited treatment options we are pursuing novel therapeutic approaches with a focus on drug repurposing, a strategy that uses drugs that are already available and have been extensively tested for safety. Specifically, this preclinical project aims to investigate the efficacy of statins – a widely used class of drugs to manage cholesterol levels - in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma. We want to investigate whether statins can slow or stop tumor growth and uncover the molecular mechanisms involved at the cellular level. Ultimately, this project will help us to further optimize our computational drug screening program as well as our models for testing potential cancer drugs to develop safe new treatment options for people living with RDEB skin cancer.



Personal interests

I love climbing, running, hiking and spending time in the nature

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